Globe trotters

Who of you did not have some form of world globe in the house when you were growing up. I would spin it for hours and was quite proud of being able to point out every country on it. Geography was always my favourite subject. As if it is the universe calling out to me, I have been placed in many a group setting in recent outings filled with people who have had the opportunity to not only travel, but live for a certain time in differents parts of the globe. As I listen to their recounts of life down under, up over, across the pond, around the globe, I cannot help but be a bit envious. Life tends to start passing faster than we know, and it becomes quite clear that if you want to do something, get on it, don’t wait. Today I met a new colleague from South Africa who was comparing towns with another woman I know as she too happened to have lived there at one point. Last night it was someone from Sweden. My ears perk up when someone talks about life in another country. I find it fascinating.

Most of us are born and die within the same 100 km radius. To pick up and follow dreams or opportunity must be so exhilarating. I really should have at least tasted it at some point. I am hoping it’s not too late! I have been not feeling up to scratch for a few weeks, but the brain never stops working on plans. I realized a few things as I sat around trying to heal quickly. Many in the generation before us spent an awful lot of time and attention making sure they would make it to the afterlife with the golden ticket. Many of our generation spent their time making sure they would have a healthy nest egg so they could enjoy if and when retirement came. The generation after us seems to have a much more balanced approached. Sure they put a few bucks aside for the future, but they also live for the day. They are much more likely to pick up and try out elsewhere in the world without too much hesitation. Their decisions are not as finite as ours. They see opportunity as an education, a chance to experience and bring back all of what they see and smell and taste, learning about others customs and traditions, ways of doing things, ways of looking at the world.

We have raised our children to learn, create, explore, experience. In a world where Nonna worries far to much about who will feed everyone, the meals I see my children make way outdo anything they were exposed to at home. I never worry. Today’s youth has so much at the tip of their fingers and can out restaurant many a fine dining establishment. The meal we had last night at a friend’s birthday,prepared and served by two of her children was worthy of at least a michelin star in our opinion. Even the fact that brother and sister could work side by side all day and night to give us guests the total dining experience, the hours drive in the rain was well worth it! As most of us make our way into our sixties, it truly is a reflective stage, but if you have lived well and taken care of your mental and physical health, it is surprisingly a joyful stage. it’s just another stage we are so not ready for, but it comes along ready or not, so all you can do is embrace and make the best of it. With that another weekend comes to an end. Off to make plans, or dream at the very least.

Published by Anna C

Approaching yet another stage of life & happily evaluating the decades past.

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