Who’d a thought…

That life would place me here? Here where I am now. Here where mentally, I will need to learn so much and grow as a person in order to better serve myself as well as others. In the limited amount of time I allow myself, mostly in the hushed hours of early morning, l willContinue reading “Who’d a thought…”

Look for good, bask in the feelings it brings, try to duplicate where and when possible…

As you know, joy is like a drug. It fills your heart with something special. To describe it to others, one can say, I feel almost short of breath for a few minutes, as joy floods into my heart, making it expand in my chest cavity, leaving less room for air in my lungs. NowContinue reading “Look for good, bask in the feelings it brings, try to duplicate where and when possible…”

So not ready, until you may just be.

So not ready, until you find yourself without choice… Someone told me a story not too long ago about an experiment where you draw a circle and place a spider in the center. It will stay within the parameters for the longest time, until one day it put one leg just over the line, ‘testingContinue reading “So not ready, until you may just be.”

Living in a foreign land, doing the best I can.  

I am an avid follower of what’s what in the country south of us as it greatly influences so of our politics and policies up here in the great white north. I initially had plans to see every corner of the states one day, or at least a lot more of it. So far I’veContinue reading “Living in a foreign land, doing the best I can.  “

Ebbs and Flows

After an extremely challenging few weeks, yesterday morning validated my quest to turn my attention outwards, to make a difference in the lives of others, to be the crutch instead of always being the needy one. It did the heart good! Something I said to someone last week resonated with them and helped them achieveContinue reading “Ebbs and Flows”

Keep talking, I’m listening

Yesterday was Bell lets talk day. So lets talk! Last week driving to work I wrote this peice in my head. It goes like this…. When ever you get on a flight that goes a distance, you get the instructions of cabin pressure, and that if this should arise, you are reminded to take theContinue reading “Keep talking, I’m listening”

Be a part of the world that you want to see.

This morning I read two things that caught my heart. The first was to put down your device and be in the present. So here I am about to start working on my latest entry into my weekly observations and my best advise is that I whole heartedly agree with this. So as I sitContinue reading “Be a part of the world that you want to see.”

Let your Spirit be your guide.

What is you favourite part of the holiday season? Do you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or another festival of lights? Is it not amazing how just sitting and staring at an assortment of lights can soothe one’s soul. It’s one of the things I most enjoy when visiting big cities. Sometimes I wake at 4:00Continue reading “Let your Spirit be your guide.”

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