So not ready, until you may just be.

So not ready, until you find yourself without choice… Someone told me a story not too long ago about an experiment where you draw a circle and place a spider in the center. It will stay within the parameters for the longest time, until one day it put one leg just over the line, ‘testingContinue reading “So not ready, until you may just be.”

Positive energy, make sure it is always in your toolbox.

Life can be hard. I spend most of my time these days happy and contented with life. I post about pointing positive, keeping your mind in a good space. I am genuinely happy to see transformations in people that have come over to looking at the good aspects of their lives, handling the dark and/orContinue reading “Positive energy, make sure it is always in your toolbox.”

First chain on the link, who, when, where?

“Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day.” Charles Dickens We all have people who have been in our lives forever or soContinue reading “First chain on the link, who, when, where?”

Is it a comfort zone or is it a cage we build for ourselves ?

Once again I am faced with a decision. Do I stay with what is comfortable, or do I dip my toe into something new, knowing full well that I could fall flat on my face ? I have spent much of the week pondering. It is difficult to make decisions that you know will impact otherContinue reading “Is it a comfort zone or is it a cage we build for ourselves ?”

Ebbs and Flows

After an extremely challenging few weeks, yesterday morning validated my quest to turn my attention outwards, to make a difference in the lives of others, to be the crutch instead of always being the needy one. It did the heart good! Something I said to someone last week resonated with them and helped them achieveContinue reading “Ebbs and Flows”

Bend in the river

Last night we sat down after a pretty productive week to watch a movie. As with most things, there was a saying that came up in the plot, so wanting to understand the context better, out came my phone and I ‘googled’ it . This morning as I lay awake in the wee hours ofContinue reading “Bend in the river”

Be a part of the world that you want to see.

This morning I read two things that caught my heart. The first was to put down your device and be in the present. So here I am about to start working on my latest entry into my weekly observations and my best advise is that I whole heartedly agree with this. So as I sitContinue reading “Be a part of the world that you want to see.”

Traditions are created, invented, morphed. Make yours you!

As I sit here in the very early morning, coffee in hand, I like to loop the little pieces of yesterday up in a bow in my head, a gift to myself sort of, before I start another day. Yesterday I scrubbed and scraped, and shined up, refilled my spice rack, made lists, organized andContinue reading “Traditions are created, invented, morphed. Make yours you!”

Be yourself, unapologetically you !

My week started with me hearing the following: You cant lose your mojo, it’s innate! I thought about how many times during my life I had tried , at times without success to conform to the norms others had assigned. What was right, what was expected, what was tolerated, even what was accepted. I’ve neverContinue reading “Be yourself, unapologetically you !”

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