Look for good, bask in the feelings it brings, try to duplicate where and when possible…

As you know, joy is like a drug. It fills your heart with something special. To describe it to others, one can say, I feel almost short of breath for a few minutes, as joy floods into my heart, making it expand in my chest cavity, leaving less room for air in my lungs. NowContinue reading “Look for good, bask in the feelings it brings, try to duplicate where and when possible…”

Is it a comfort zone or is it a cage we build for ourselves ?

Once again I am faced with a decision. Do I stay with what is comfortable, or do I dip my toe into something new, knowing full well that I could fall flat on my face ? I have spent much of the week pondering. It is difficult to make decisions that you know will impact otherContinue reading “Is it a comfort zone or is it a cage we build for ourselves ?”


How many of us grew up with the line Practice makes perfect ? So how many of us are perfect ? No one that I know anyways. Certainly not me. I actually think the fear of not being perfect, actually deters us from making progress. Think of something that you are not very good at.Continue reading “Progress”

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